Scott signs bill overhauling teacher discipline panel | POLITICO

Previously, the panel was made up of the following: eight teachers; five administrators, including at least one from a private school; seven lay citizens, five of whom are parents of public school students and are unrelated to public school employees, and two of whom are former school board members; and five sworn law enforcement officials.Under the new law, the panel will include: 10 teachers; five administrators, including at least one from a private or virtual school; four lay citizens who are parents of public schools students and who are unrelated to public school employees; two former school board or charter school governing board members or former superintendents, assistant superintendents or deputy superintendents; and four sworn law enforcement officials.

Source: Scott signs bill overhauling teacher discipline panel | POLITICO

Posted on March 11th, 2016 by Woodring Law, filed under Uncategorized
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